Hmm....yeah sounds nice!! Pretty good Battle.Theme or somethin' loke that!! NICEEE !!!!
Hmm....yeah sounds nice!! Pretty good Battle.Theme or somethin' loke that!! NICEEE !!!!
Thank you muchly :3
Back to the Roots??
However...thats nice man!!! But I wanna hear mor from Drum 'n BAse and stuff e hehe...but nice man!!!
yes back to the roots my first songs were all classical ish
Nicnice man
e man nice!! Almost perfect Indie Rock man!! I luv it!!!
Cheers and PEace!!
Thanks a lot!
NICE ^_____^ When it's for the sake of GREAT CHINA
it'll fill me with gladness.....@___@ oh...i am not so well....
All hail GREAT CHINA! ^________^
Jes BOB's PEFECVT =___=
Thanx for review.
nice man...but to many deeps and bass'es...but it'S perfect to think in this pass-game!! Nice!!
Love the stage-themes from megaman!! THX for this grat add man!! CHEERZ >XD
Thanks =)
YOu DO improved due!! Nice, the beats and additional drums are MUCH kooler than in the V1!! Nice man!! Love it!
I thought you'd like it. Maybe you should try one, it's not that hard to compose.
damn man!!
The upbeat is asum, man!! A haha That's the Maintheme from the ,,Gummybears''??A haha How do you come to this idea dudes?? a haha I really like it!!! Asum man!! Fav'D and 5/5 10/10 !!!
And download X3
Thanks! We decided to do this one for the contest because if fit the theme of a kid's song perfectly!
A haha !!
MAN!! XD just heard it e hehe nice idea^^ and it's well done.....DUDE...yeah F#rizzle ma'shlissel >XD a haha
No: SERIOUS now...I really enjoyed it!! MAN THSI ROCKS SO HARD MY BALLZ >)
Even better than this version from this nerd that francais-nurse, from this dutches or sweden or somethin' together >)
WELL, dude, that made my night
Fav'D, Vote ,,5'' / 1000/1000
Another wish? Any questions^^ ?
P.S. Ahh by the way...THATS asum..had I ever mentioned??!?! >D
Dude, if this is awesome, then you are, like, the metal disciple! It's not too hard to make music, all you gotta do is find the right instruments and tunes. Unless you're remixing an original, in which case, you already got the tune, which is the case here. To tell you the truth, I wanna see a numa mix from EVERYONE here! I'm already pumped for albatross's song!
"If you can't slam with the best, then jam with the rest!"
Soulsearching Somber
Joined on 12/8/08