Wounderful <3
This intense and twisted game is one of the best things on interweb!!!
I mean..it's like some WII game with the mouse..
reminds indeed of one WII game...also with surgeons..but less blod and more japanese cartoon graphics...hmmmm
Wounderful <3
This intense and twisted game is one of the best things on interweb!!!
I mean..it's like some WII game with the mouse..
reminds indeed of one WII game...also with surgeons..but less blod and more japanese cartoon graphics...hmmmm
Gusto mucho :P
Such an awesomness!! Love this game now! It's totally fun and really entertaining for a long time!!
Hours and hours playable!!
Cooool!!! :3.... or rather...
I just love the Plot. Just a Big Game. Wow..I didn't exspect so much from it!
Ecxelent Game. The Foe's are to easy to beat, but still the survive mode could be a challenge.
Hmm...waiting for more from you guys :3
Not bad!
Nice lil game with a FIsh. hehe
it's fun ^^ for a while...
Kinda scratchy but nice. Z-Headz really spawn to slow.
But for a breaktime it'S a nice entertaining lil game.
Love the music x3
no good..that's nuffing new!
Hey you ' re a talented boy! Try some new stuff out! Make experiences!!
You are way under your talents here!!!
Go ahead and make you are new style or a new game concept .
Waw! Really temtping!
Flashy and spicy game!
Very well maded and twisted!
Love the Backgroundanimations and the Music~
That's some Bullet Hell >3
Hooray for the Endtheme and the credits :3
Hell yeah! I love the "Castle Beard" - reference!! And yes..there could be mor challenge but whatever?!
THise made my Day :333
Thank you so much <333
BTW, there could be more Attackpattern from Jebus like holybeam lazor n stuff..but it's oke.
Here is a "Yes" from me!
This is Zombieyes for me! Love this One <33
Sure, it's kinda challenging, but that's the spirit in
All Day looong!
Classic One!
Still popular and really tempting.
A masterpiece! <333
"If you can't slam with the best, then jam with the rest!"
Soulsearching Somber
Joined on 12/8/08