Love it <3
This is WIN!
Love it <3
This is WIN!
Well alrighty then
Very sexy.
But a question: Who made the noises and the "aaahs" and "uhhs" ??
Uhhh, ohhh,mmmm
I have to say
This is awesomness!!! <33
Cute lil Puppy :333
Cute puppy, with a dark side!
Kawaiii~~~ ^w^
..Bot really...
ahaahh I love this sort of parodys :3
Yeah ^o^
*insert kawaii j-panise emotico-san-chan thingy*
wahahaah xD
The Narrator ts my true hero.
Just love the end sequence and the whole shitty j-pop ambient music thing
asumness >:3
...hmm maybe it's just me..
...but I don't like this obscure theorys about sky and gods and human being and shit...
sorry pal..
well animated and good thoughts in there but..
not my arena of animation..
sry... :(
Actually Ye can!!
And I have to admit..that the PENIS JOKE power reference an awesome adaption to the NG Collect is!
Never really understood the fuss all about. But the Voices where so funny and the plot as well.
So good animation. Kinda funny :D
I hate you Baby xDD
I lol'd harsh!!
This is Win! Even better thatn *shh* *whispers* ..some of the "Awesome Cartoons" ...
WHOO!!! =O Love the "Fail-Series" ..should be more out there??
Yes should be more :3
Just love the Artstyle!!! <3
Well... 're on Top!!! No doubt!!
But hte jokes don't fit with the spoof or/amd a parody of L.A. Noire.
The Jokes doen't reach my Brainz, either ......sorry :(
Wounderful real Life references in there.
"If you can't slam with the best, then jam with the rest!"
Soulsearching Somber
Joined on 12/8/08