Adorable!! And I love the music. THat's some good shortwhiled Platforming right there. Nice
Adorable!! And I love the music. THat's some good shortwhiled Platforming right there. Nice
Wounderful Sequel. Even moreaction and flamefilled
This is the tits!
Some short-whiled actionfilled Shoot 'em up. Classy.
Very good and with a kickass OST inclusive~
Beatiful, just beautiful
THis game is a Hell of a Drug.
Rock on!!!
Madness? This is awesome. This .. is ... MADNESS!!
Pure 5/5
@Thecatofnimes _ You just have to use one of the two items in the slot and the game automatically combines them. But I have a farily greater Porblem so far. The normal Mushroom just dissapeared from my invent.
Did I just eat the mush? What happened ... I dunno and now I stuck in game and have to replay all :I
But no will be a honor for me!
...Allthough..another bug....the Map is cloning itself...i have 5 buggy
Best ever makes my holydays <3
Just Priceless.
Like the shitty Version of IWBG
IWBG? :)
"If you can't slam with the best, then jam with the rest!"
Soulsearching Somber
Joined on 12/8/08