For the 2nd Time one of my Fav Games.
Awesome ~ Make more please!!
For the 2nd Time one of my Fav Games.
Awesome ~ Make more please!!
Nice Game
That's really no breaktrough, but worthy some time to play. Good Concept. Totally new invention of Workdays
That's awesome! A Platformer with RPG Elements coupledwith the adorable Chars from MAtt 3
I adore these kind of Games, so I adore you Matt :3
I now played this game a couple of times (I'm not done) and I will play further and further on 'till my thumbs are breakin'!! :3
Awesome Game!
You're one of the best creators and artists on the Interweb in my opinioN!
Keep that up!
P.S I adore the OST as well, I bought it!! (so much Adoreee!!~)
Great Sequel to the Series
It's cool and kinda catchy. I wanna play it over and over again. It's rather good!!
Great Thing
This si really entertaining and gory. I like the princip of evolving and thinking more.
Nice short for wasting time.
I adore this! The Graphics and Chars are unique and remind me of the Pataponstyle, wich is awesome at firts. But I also love the music and the flowing graphics (no Bugs, no breaking Framerate at all!!).
The Graphics overall are nice drawn and colorful.
3 Races and one unlockable one will keep you busy for a while and so the challenge modes!!
This game is AWESOME !!!
...I have just one admit : It should have more Evolving Forms in the sequel. A wider spread from the creatures, if you will.
Keep up the great Work!
This is good!
YOu original is the best part. But you have to realize, that you must stop the reuploading of the other games. The Groundprincip is wel made..but think.
people want more and new stuff. So think bout it oke? :)
Allthough this battle gear series is the good old fashioned solid beat the hell outta armys thing I love in your games. keep it up and don't be shy, to invent new gamegrounds.
Liek your Unknown Creature P & C series. Where is the next installment of that one, tho??
Greetings and kudos my friend!
Nice Twist...didn't exspect taht. Lovely made :D
It's an awesome Flashbrawler. I love this game still!!! ^^
I don't know what to say
THis is the most epic and heartwarming experience since Domokun Smashfest!!
I love you <3
"If you can't slam with the best, then jam with the rest!"
Soulsearching Somber
Joined on 12/8/08